22 February 2007

Home Education Daunting

Home Education was beginning to daunt my Husband this week when the children were struggling with motivation etc. He was on the point of threatening out daughter by sending her back to school. Knowing how positive Home Education has been on both the children, he decided to find some motivation himself (He's learning?)instead.

An internet search found a Home Education website with a page full of jokes and brain challengers, motivational stories from other parents and lots of useful informative links.Appropriately
for Denis being the "Male" Home Educator, he found this comment "One father, when asked about how he was intending to provide the same social environment that his son would get at school replied "No problem. Once a week I intend to take him into the bathroom, beat him up and steal his lunch!"

Yes it made us laugh too - but instantly follows the realisation of how true this is for thousands of children every day. Would you want to go to work if you though this was going to happen to you?

Needless to say the rest of the day was more relaxed at home and Denis was more motivated. I came home from work today to find the children had sat down to work witout ANY
complaints. As reward they went swimming in the afternoon. I Wish my day at work had been as good, although it was nice to come home and hear their achievements of the day over tea. Tea was prepared by my daughter who "offered" to cook, in return for her pocket money for her guitar lesson at Rock Group tonight.

"Research" our word for the week. It helps paint a better picture. Click the palette.

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